Saturday, April 30, 2011

Coffee with a Friend: Staying Grounded

Coffee with a friend.

This morning I had the opportunity to go get coffee with a friend of mine. Our schedules are complete opposite, so this is a rarity, but when we make the time, I am oh so happy it works out.

See, drinking coffee may be an everyday occurrence for most of the population, but for me, "going out for coffee" with a friend involves so much more than downing a liquid to keep me awake. (I don't even drink coffee).

Keeping up my relationships with my close friends is so important to me - no matter how busy life gets, or how it changes. During the hour we spent at the coffee shop this morning, we got to catch up on each others lives and talk about how life is changing: graduating college, applying to grad school, running a business, having new relationships, family updates, and the list goes on. But 2 things in particular stood out to me today.

We talked about how words have such a powerful affect on us - on everyone. And yes, you've heard it before - "life and death is in the power of the tongue." But how does that relate to your everyday life? How can words do so much?

I've been reading this dancer's blog for a couple months, and recently I read her book. She's very artsy, and I love everything artsy. I often times wish I was looked more artsy, spoke more artsy, dressed more artsy, etc, but that's besides the point. The point is I have been so into her blog, that I read it almost every day. And the thing is...she wrote about heartache and being sad and depressed. She also wrote about love, and your dreams, and pushing through in life. But, somehow, it all got to me. I found myself being sad, and going back to my past thoughts of heartache. Even though, I'm not in that season of my life anymore, it really affected how I carried myself, and what I thought about me.

I walked around for days wondering why I was so down. Then, I realized..I haven't confessed God's Word. I haven't prayed how I should be praying. My Bible reading hasn't been too much more than a routine. And where did the guard on my heart go?

You see...I allow myself to be influenced very easily if my guard isn't up. I have trusted people I shouldn't. I have one too many times mistaken being naive for innocence. I care too much about people. I carry their burdens, knowing it won't help them, but wishing it would. I cry when other people are hurting. And..I've just recently come across something that changes everything: "Your job isn't to be their Savior. It's to point them to Jesus" (marshill). God, how could I take on their cares along with mine, and not cast them on You?

Life is funny sometimes. The way our minds work is amazing. They way His Word transforms our lives astounds me. God created us in His image. Right? Well if we're to uphold that image, we need to do something about it. It just doesn't happen on it's own. We need to stay grounded in our faith by continually putting His Words in our heart, spirit, thoughts and mouth. (not a dancer from LA, a rapper from Missouri, your friends or the devil - who will constantly try to bring you down).

Moral of the store of my life? Watch what you say, what you read, what you listen to ((music)) and what you believe. Words can kill or nourish life.

PS. I'm doing a study on prayer. Hopefully a good blog will come from it in the near future.

<3 Kirsten

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Choice of Happiness

The first day of college was less than pleasurable. I lost my 50-dollar train ticket; forgot to write down the room numbers of the classes I was in, so I was late to my first class; what would have been a five minute walk turned into a 45 minute walk to my next class; learned that most art students are weird! And all this was done with me carrying three bags in 80-degree weather. This was the start of my semester, and also the start of my absolute distain for school.

I hated everything about it: the commute, the teachers, the class, the material, the bathrooms, the list goes on. I was so miserable and I constantly thought of how better it would be if I was somewhere else. I constantly sat there feeling sorry for myself and cringed every time someone asked me how school was.

My attitude started spilling into my family life as well. I would come home upset or mopey everyday and which, of course, wasn’t pleasant for them. SIDE NOTE: You may think that your attitude and you’re your decisions are only affecting you, but this is a very selfish way of thinking. You aren’t thinking how your stinky attitude is affecting the people around you... Anyway, this is all pretty pathetic huh? Yes! It was! I had to make a decision and make the most of my situation. For a while I just sat there expecting myself to just Boom! Be happy but, of course, that’s not how it works. Happiness is a choice, and I had to choose that even though everything around me was less than pleasurable, that I was going to be happy. That doesn’t mean that I sat myself down and say, “ok think happy thoughts…. chocolate, puppies, warm exotic beaches…” No! I had to change the way that I thought. I had to replace those pathetic thoughts with the Word of God. I constantly listened to praise and worship music, and thanked God for the day. Thanked him for giving me the opportunity to go to school. Thanked him for the great parents I had that wouldn’t even let me entertain the thought of dropping school :) And slowly my thoughts started getting more positive and I wasn’t miserable. I didn’t allow myself to be miserable anymore.

My dad always says that we are often thrown in situations that we don’t like, but it’s how we react to those situations that determine our character. Whether you are hating school, or you really can’t stand your boss or if there is this really weird girl who just won’t leave you alone. You have a choice to make.

-Sam Schoessler

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter What??

Ok, so I was making a sign for our store's door to let people know we'll be closed on Easter Sunday. I entered the word "Easter" into the clip art search box of Microsoft Publisher, and 99.99% of it was eggs and bunnies. Cute, but I immediately asked myself, "Where is Jesus?" Yes, I'm all about Easter baskets and getting people excited about Easter. Coloring eggs is still fun to me. And I think everyone should get Easter candy :). Don't get me wrong, I love Easter celebrations, and have the utmost respect for anyone involved in celebrating Easter!

However, I will ask you - Where is Jesus?

I grew up in church. You may have too. Yet, I read that only 20% of only the American population goes to church each weekend. So, what happens to this generation's kids? When they're older and go to make an Easter sign, will they even question what they find?

It's deeper than this. What do you believe in? Do you act on what you believe. Get ready for a cliche phrase.... actions speak louder than words. Do you share what you believe? Do you do what you believe?

I encourage you to research more about Easter. I hope you find more than you already knew. You'll find amazing facts about Jesus that may make you cry. I hope they remind you about what this season is all about. Delve into the scriptures and ask God to show you something new this Easter season. Please look up the word "crucifixion." Read all about it; I pray that it opens your eyes to a whole new meaning, and God gives you a revelation of what Jesus actually went through to save YOU from hell.

Also, you may find that eggs and bunnies do have a significant meaning. :) Who knew? I'd like to share those meanings with everyone, so the next generation does think of Jesus when they see and celebrate with Easter eggs.

I won't be giving you the answers :) so, please comment below to let us know what you find!


Friday, April 8, 2011

Rainy Day Thoughts and Shoes

Heyyy girls... so it's quite dreary out today..and sometimes the weather puts me in a funny mood. Not like funny-haha, but just strange.. I'm not depressed or sad.. I'm actually ecstatically happy inside. But on the outside...there's a complete aura of mellowness.

Do you ever just want to sit inside on a rainy day, read a book, sit by a fire and sip a hot cup of insert your favorite hot drink here? I would like to do just that..and read inspirational blogs and quotes. I often times get completely obsessed with reading other people's thoughts and am completely amused at that fact that I too feel that way. Or have felt that way.

Do you ever think you're the ONLY girl in the world that is thinking what you're thinking? Welll....I can tell you that that's not true. Somewhere someone has felt how you feel. And you know what? Feelings and emotions are great! As long as they don't run your life. Feelings and emotions aren't always good or true. But fact is fact.

Feelings: I'm not good enough. or pretty enough. or strong enough. I don't have this or that..I can't do this or that..I wish this or that...

Facts: You're only as good as you think you are - HOWEVER, God thinks you're amazing. He created you to be just like Him.. and you need to embrace that - think THAT. God loves you. God will take care of you. He's strong when you're weak. He says you're beautiful and made in HIS IMAGE. God will provide all of your daily needs according to HIS RICHES AND GLORY. let God give you strength, peace, love, faith, joy, happiness, and everything else He's promised you. He's ready to give it to you - ALL you have to do is...... ask.

I may be in a mellow mood...but that doesn't mean anything other than...I'm in a mellow mood. It doesn't mean something's wrong..or I need to worry or complain. However, if that is ever the case..the moment I start to speak positive things and God's WORD over my life, my happiness level increases. This world isn't about me. It isn't about you. But we do need to take care of ourselves. Remember, you're the only Jesus a lot of people will ever see.

BTW...praying for other people will totally boost your mood (amongst other things). And what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.

Oh..and as for shoes..that's just how my mind works..The second I start to think, I think of 580384237 things within the smallest time frame.. So to reference Gilmore Girls.."hockey puck, rattle snake, monkey, monkey, underpants."

Please share what's on your mind!

<3 Girl of many random thoughts,