I hated everything about it: the commute, the teachers, the class, the material, the bathrooms, the list goes on. I was so miserable and I constantly thought of how better it would be if I was somewhere else. I constantly sat there feeling sorry for myself and cringed every time someone asked me how school was.
My attitude started spilling into my family life as well. I would come home upset or mopey everyday and which, of course, wasn’t pleasant for them. SIDE NOTE: You may think that your attitude and you’re your decisions are only affecting you, but this is a very selfish way of thinking. You aren’t thinking how your stinky attitude is affecting the people around you... Anyway, this is all pretty pathetic huh? Yes! It was! I had to make a decision and make the most of my situation. For a while I just sat there expecting myself to just Boom! Be happy but, of course, that’s not how it works. Happiness is a choice, and I had to choose that even though everything around me was less than pleasurable, that I was going to be happy. That doesn’t mean that I sat myself down and say, “ok think happy thoughts…. chocolate, puppies, warm exotic beaches…” No! I had to change the way that I thought. I had to replace those pathetic thoughts with the Word of God. I constantly listened to praise and worship music, and thanked God for the day. Thanked him for giving me the opportunity to go to school. Thanked him for the great parents I had that wouldn’t even let me entertain the thought of dropping school :) And slowly my thoughts started getting more positive and I wasn’t miserable. I didn’t allow myself to be miserable anymore.
My dad always says that we are often thrown in situations that we don’t like, but it’s how we react to those situations that determine our character. Whether you are hating school, or you really can’t stand your boss or if there is this really weird girl who just won’t leave you alone. You have a choice to make.
-Sam Schoessler
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