Heyyy girls... so it's quite dreary out today..and sometimes the weather puts me in a funny mood. Not like funny-haha, but just strange.. I'm not depressed or sad.. I'm actually ecstatically happy inside. But on the outside...there's a complete aura of mellowness.
Do you ever just want to sit inside on a rainy day, read a book, sit by a fire and sip a hot cup of insert your favorite hot drink here? I would like to do just that..and read inspirational blogs and quotes. I often times get completely obsessed with reading other people's thoughts and am completely amused at that fact that I too feel that way. Or have felt that way.
Do you ever think you're the ONLY girl in the world that is thinking what you're thinking? Welll....I can tell you that that's not true. Somewhere someone has felt how you feel. And you know what? Feelings and emotions are great! As long as they don't run your life. Feelings and emotions aren't always good or true. But fact is fact.
Feelings: I'm not good enough. or pretty enough. or strong enough. I don't have this or that..I can't do this or that..I wish this or that...
Facts: You're only as good as you think you are - HOWEVER, God thinks you're amazing. He created you to be just like Him.. and you need to embrace that - think THAT. God loves you. God will take care of you. He's strong when you're weak. He says you're beautiful and made in HIS IMAGE. God will provide all of your daily needs according to HIS RICHES AND GLORY. let God give you strength, peace, love, faith, joy, happiness, and everything else He's promised you. He's ready to give it to you - ALL you have to do is...... ask.
I may be in a mellow mood...but that doesn't mean anything other than...I'm in a mellow mood. It doesn't mean something's wrong..or I need to worry or complain. However, if that is ever the case..the moment I start to speak positive things and God's WORD over my life, my happiness level increases. This world isn't about me. It isn't about you. But we do need to take care of ourselves. Remember, you're the only Jesus a lot of people will ever see.
BTW...praying for other people will totally boost your mood (amongst other things). And what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you.
Oh..and as for shoes..that's just how my mind works..The second I start to think, I think of 580384237 things within the smallest time frame.. So to reference Gilmore Girls.."hockey puck, rattle snake, monkey, monkey, underpants."
Please share what's on your mind!
<3 Girl of many random thoughts,
Umm love the Gilmore girl quote!