Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Your LOVE for Gods Word!!


Do you know God’s Word? Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you love God’s Word as you love God? The Word became flesh, right? John 1:14 says, “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”
We need to make sure we know the Word of God!

Well, I want to become just as Jesus Christ has become. And, what did he often say? “It is written.” The scriptures are written. God’s Word is written. If we want to be just like Jesus, we need to know what He says, what He knows, and become just like Him! No more just talking the talk – knowing the lingo. We are to live the life – and BECOME. We are called to go out into all the world and preach the Good News. We can’t preach it if we don’t know it. It starts with you. YOU have to do something about it! You can’t know something unless you do something that causes you to learn it.

Joshua 1:8

“Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed.”

It doesn’t say look at it; it doesn’t say carry it; it doesn’t even say read it. That scripture doesn’t mean anything other than what it says…. It says study it! (There are over 25 definitions of the word “study.” Look them up to see what it is that we are supposed to be doing).

God’s Word is a weapon for battle. It is our only offensive weapon.

Ask yourself these questions:

    • Do I love God?
    • Do I love what God loves?
    • Am I proving it?
    • Is it showing in how I live my life?
    • If I had the opportunity to lead someone to Christ at this very moment, could I go through Bible with them, and show them the story of Jesus?
    • Could I lead them to Christ?
    • Could I tell them Who the Holy Spirit is and how to have Him in their life?
    • Do I find God’s Word more valuable that millions in gold and silver? (Psalm 119:72) - More valuable than my income, my job, my friends, sports, and even more than the air that I breathe?
    • Could I tell someone why I love God’s Word?

I challenge each and every one of you to delve into God’s Word. It’s going to take sacrifice. You’re going to have to give something up. It’s going to take discipline and endurance. I recommend getting a partner, establishing common goals, and keeping each other accountable. This will help you a lot! If you get to the point where you don’t want to do it anymore, that’s the point right before your breakthrough! That’s the devil trying to tear you down and take you away from God and His mighty Word. Press through with endurance.

I have been doing what is basically challenge 1 for about 2 months now: learning about 45 scriptures on “God's Word,” studying them, memorizing them, and meditating on them everyday-often all day (it takes a while to confess that many scriptures 10x a day!). As a result, my life has completely transformed. Nothing is the same..and I'm so thankful that someone encouraged me to do it. It took a lot of discipline and sacrifice, but it's worth it. I'm going to continue to do these scriptures and find more! Let me tell you, it really is life changing!


Step 1: Sacrifice – give up – one thing that is distracting you.

Step 2: Replace that thing with spending time reading God’s Word.

Step 3: Read, read, read. Confess, confess, confess.

*I suggest starting with the “God’s Word” scriptures; they’re listed at the end*

Let’s do these together for 31 days – and if you put your heart into it, your life will be completely transformed. You’ll be a new person! You’ll have such a love for God’s Word!! What you meditate on – you think – what you think you say- what you say – you do. Change is comin’!

If you need help getting started, pray and ask the Holy Spirit and talk to a leader to help you get going! Don’t forget to get a partner to help keep you accountable. Here are the scriptures:

God’s Word Scriptures:

Joshua 1:8           Proverbs 6:20-22
Job 23:10-12         Proverbs 27:7
Psalm 1:1-3           Proverbs 30:5
Psalm 40:8            Isaiah 55:8-11
Psalm 119:18        Jeremiah 15:16
Psalm 119:48        Matthew 24:35
Psalm 119:72        John 1:1
Psalm 119:89        John 8:31-32
Psalm 119:97        2 Timothy 3:16-17
Psalm 119:103       Hebrews 4:12
Psalm 119:105        James 1:22-25
Psalm 119:130        2 Peter 1:19-21
Proverbs 4:20-22    Revelation 19:13

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