Dear Girls,
“Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator.”
That is the first part of Ecclesiastes 12:1. This is something I have really been thinking about for the past few weeks. Going through life I think that we tend to ignore our responsibilities we have as Christians. We make excuses. “I’m too busy.” “I have homework.” “I have practice.” “I went to church three times this week already…I don’t need to go again.” “I’m too tired…I’ll read my bible tomorrow.” These are all things I too, am guilty of saying and thinking…more then once.
But I just really feel it in my heart to tell you guys that we all do NOT have as much time to “get it together” as we would like to think. Life is short. The time we have is fleeting. WHAT WE DO NOW MATTERS!
I know many of you who read this are young but this is important. We were created for one purpose, one ambition, and that is to know and please God. So let’s challenge ourselves to read the Word, go to church and actually PAY ATTENTION in church. Put away the cell phones for an hour or two and really FOCUS.
Our friends and family and peers need God just as much as we do. However, in many cases, we are the only God people will ever get to see. You know what to do, so DO IT. Let your light shine. Get your heart right. Live to please God. Let that be your ONE AMBITION in life. So ladies, do NOT let your YOUTH be an excuse to forget your CREATOR!!
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