Monday, September 21, 2009

Beautiful Daughters of the Most High God…Read On!

Am I good enough? Am I pretty enough? Am I skinny enough? Why can’t I look like her? Girls – these are questions that have come to our minds far too often. In a society that focuses on outward beauty and appearance, the Bible talks about the treasure we are on the inside!

1 Peter 3:3-4 “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of fine jewelry and clothes. Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

Now, I know that is easier read than done! I have been all too familiar with the struggles of constantly thinking and worrying about my appearance. I struggled for years with low self-esteem and not thinking I was ever pretty enough, smart enough, loved enough, etc.  I came dangerously close to an eating disorder and I had such low self-esteem that I could barely look people in the eye when speaking to them. I never wanted to attend any functions or parties. I was convinced that people didn’t like me or want me around. What bondage!! Thank God that He made a way for me to escape this thinking ..and He made a way for you too!

So how do you become free? Whether your struggle is great or small, the answer is in the Word of God. You must commit to taking those negative thoughts captive! If we don’t conquer these thoughts, we are tricked into really believing that these terrible things we are thinking are true! What does that mean exactly? It means that every time you have a bad thought about yourself (no matter how true you think it is!), you replace it with a scripture. It’s really so simple. Now the devil will try and trick you into thinking that whatever you are thinking is true – this is where the struggle is – but you have to press on and say aloud what the Bible says about you. Speak it out loud and also meditate on it in your heart. The more you do this, the less often those thoughts will come. Pretty soon they will be gone and you will be walking in freedom and victory!

One thing I have learned on this topic is that you can’t and won’t walk in God’s perfect plan for your life until you embrace who He has made you to be. His hands are tied until you surrender and make a choice to believe Him and not your thoughts. You can miss out on His plan and waste years of your life going around the same mountain. Make a choice today to surrender yourself and give your thoughts over to who you are in Christ.

Here are some scriptures for you to confess and meditate on as you embrace who He made you to be:

Psalm 139:14 I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

John 16:27 The Father Himself tenderly loves me

Luke 12:24 I am valuable, appreciated, cherished, precious and important

Col. 1:22 I am without fault or failure in His sight

Deut. 28:13 I am the head and not the tail, I am above only and not beneath

Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength

Eph 1:6 I am accepted in the Beloved

Song of Solomon 4:7 I am all together beautiful and there is no flaw in me 

By: Rita Cirullo 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


If anyone remembers Jason Castro from American Idol a few seasons ago this is him! This video is about 5 minutes long and gives a quick testimony of how he came to really KNOW and SERVE Jesus Christ!
is a website dedicated to helping people realize we do ALL have a PURPOSE for our lives! There are tons of different videos from people off all different backgrounds and struggles. It gives the stories of how people came to know Christ and its a great witnessing tool to show your friends and family!

So check it out, be encouraged and go encourage others!!

<3 Michelle

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Your LOVE for Gods Word!!


Do you know God’s Word? Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ? Do you love God’s Word as you love God? The Word became flesh, right? John 1:14 says, “So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.”
We need to make sure we know the Word of God!

Well, I want to become just as Jesus Christ has become. And, what did he often say? “It is written.” The scriptures are written. God’s Word is written. If we want to be just like Jesus, we need to know what He says, what He knows, and become just like Him! No more just talking the talk – knowing the lingo. We are to live the life – and BECOME. We are called to go out into all the world and preach the Good News. We can’t preach it if we don’t know it. It starts with you. YOU have to do something about it! You can’t know something unless you do something that causes you to learn it.

Joshua 1:8

“Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed.”

It doesn’t say look at it; it doesn’t say carry it; it doesn’t even say read it. That scripture doesn’t mean anything other than what it says…. It says study it! (There are over 25 definitions of the word “study.” Look them up to see what it is that we are supposed to be doing).

God’s Word is a weapon for battle. It is our only offensive weapon.

Ask yourself these questions:

    • Do I love God?
    • Do I love what God loves?
    • Am I proving it?
    • Is it showing in how I live my life?
    • If I had the opportunity to lead someone to Christ at this very moment, could I go through Bible with them, and show them the story of Jesus?
    • Could I lead them to Christ?
    • Could I tell them Who the Holy Spirit is and how to have Him in their life?
    • Do I find God’s Word more valuable that millions in gold and silver? (Psalm 119:72) - More valuable than my income, my job, my friends, sports, and even more than the air that I breathe?
    • Could I tell someone why I love God’s Word?

I challenge each and every one of you to delve into God’s Word. It’s going to take sacrifice. You’re going to have to give something up. It’s going to take discipline and endurance. I recommend getting a partner, establishing common goals, and keeping each other accountable. This will help you a lot! If you get to the point where you don’t want to do it anymore, that’s the point right before your breakthrough! That’s the devil trying to tear you down and take you away from God and His mighty Word. Press through with endurance.

I have been doing what is basically challenge 1 for about 2 months now: learning about 45 scriptures on “God's Word,” studying them, memorizing them, and meditating on them everyday-often all day (it takes a while to confess that many scriptures 10x a day!). As a result, my life has completely transformed. Nothing is the same..and I'm so thankful that someone encouraged me to do it. It took a lot of discipline and sacrifice, but it's worth it. I'm going to continue to do these scriptures and find more! Let me tell you, it really is life changing!


Step 1: Sacrifice – give up – one thing that is distracting you.

Step 2: Replace that thing with spending time reading God’s Word.

Step 3: Read, read, read. Confess, confess, confess.

*I suggest starting with the “God’s Word” scriptures; they’re listed at the end*

Let’s do these together for 31 days – and if you put your heart into it, your life will be completely transformed. You’ll be a new person! You’ll have such a love for God’s Word!! What you meditate on – you think – what you think you say- what you say – you do. Change is comin’!

If you need help getting started, pray and ask the Holy Spirit and talk to a leader to help you get going! Don’t forget to get a partner to help keep you accountable. Here are the scriptures:

God’s Word Scriptures:

Joshua 1:8           Proverbs 6:20-22
Job 23:10-12         Proverbs 27:7
Psalm 1:1-3           Proverbs 30:5
Psalm 40:8            Isaiah 55:8-11
Psalm 119:18        Jeremiah 15:16
Psalm 119:48        Matthew 24:35
Psalm 119:72        John 1:1
Psalm 119:89        John 8:31-32
Psalm 119:97        2 Timothy 3:16-17
Psalm 119:103       Hebrews 4:12
Psalm 119:105        James 1:22-25
Psalm 119:130        2 Peter 1:19-21
Proverbs 4:20-22    Revelation 19:13

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dear Girls,

Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator.”

That is the first part of Ecclesiastes 12:1. This is something I have really been thinking about for the past few weeks. Going through life I think that we tend to ignore our responsibilities we have as Christians. We make excuses. “I’m too busy.” “I have homework.” “I have practice.” “I went to church three times this week already…I don’t need to go again.” “I’m too tired…I’ll read my bible tomorrow.” These are all things I too, am guilty of saying and thinking…more then once.

But I just really feel it in my heart to tell you guys that we all do NOT have as much time to “get it together” as we would like to think. Life is short. The time we have is fleeting. WHAT WE DO NOW MATTERS!

I know many of you who read this are young but this is important. We were created for one purpose, one ambition, and that is to know and please God. So let’s challenge ourselves to read the Word, go to church and actually PAY ATTENTION in church. Put away the cell phones for an hour or two and really FOCUS.

Our friends and family and peers need God just as much as we do. However, in many cases, we are the only God people will ever get to see. You know what to do, so DO IT. Let your light shine. Get your heart right. Live to please God. Let that be your ONE AMBITION in life. So ladies, do NOT let your YOUTH be an excuse to forget your CREATOR!!





Make sure that the have no injury to begin OR consult a doctor if needed Okay begin with a warm up 3-5 minutes of either running on the spot or skipping.

If it's a nice day why not go for a nice walk or run around your block!!!

Now for some pushups... DROP AND GIVE ME 12-15... This works your chest.. And your arms!!
Bicep curls (front of the arms) with a 1 pound weight or use cans from pantry or milk cartons WITH MILK or WATER IN IT!!!! Stand straight up with a straight back. Don't bend backwards. Bring the weight towards your upper chest. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides. Pause at the top of the movement, and slowly lower the weight to the starting position. Do 12-15 of these.

Step ups 12-15 on each leg.. If you have steps in your house step up and down the first step...


Do two or three sets of 12-15 crunches for that nice trim stomach!!!

Now do it all over again!!! And end it with a nice cool down walk...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009



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