FINALS are just around the corner for most of us. Are you prepared? Mentally, physically and emotionally? Here’s some quick, practical tips for you – or not for you! To Do and Not To Do.
To Do:
-Set goals for each study session and write them down.
-Drink plenty of water!
-Set goals for each study session and write them down.
-Drink plenty of water!
-Eat food and snacks that will give you energy. Sugar and junk foods will make you feel sluggish and not be able to focus. Don’t eat continuously. Just a small amount every hour or so. Take a few small breaks to walk around and keep your blood flowing.
-Study in sessions rather than an all-day or all-nighter.
-STUDY GUIDES! These really helped me. If my teacher gave them to us, it was a huge plus! I’d fill it in, and carry it with me EVERYWHERE I WENT! And I memorized every question! I have found that a lot of teachers don’t give study guides as you get older, so I MAKE MY OWN. I type up lists of questions and facts, print it out, and write my answers and comments in pencil. ---HUGE HELP!!!!! So, whether it be a teacher’s study guide or your own, bring it with you everywhere you go and look it over when you get a chance ::::::::::
In line, in the car, on the bus, on the train, while you’re getting ready, at lunch, etc etc….
-Take needed mental breaks.
-Have a small rewards system for yourself. EXAMPLE: “I can have 3 M & M’s for every 10 pages I read.” -----something of the sort-----
Not To Do:
-Facebooking, Googling, MySpacing, TEXTING, calling, watching TV….all distractions that should be avoided and HIDDEN :) in order for a GOOD study session.
If you don’t want to be distracted, don’t put it near you!
-Give up on/Change your pre-written goals! Follow through with your initial plan. Procrastination shouldn’t be an option.
For you - or - not for you:
-Some people can listen to music while they study. I used to be one of those people – it used to help me concentrate. Now, I can’t! I get so consumed with the lyrics or the instruments that I just can’t focus on my work. So music is a no for me.
If music helps you study, go for it! Classical and instrumental are best – the lyrics can be too distracting.
-Study in groups. Does this help you stay motivated? Do you need a study group or friend to keep you accountable?
::::::STUDY SNACKS::::::
Apples & Peanut Butter (add cinnamon if you’d like!)
Carrots and dip
Celery, Raisins and Peanut Butter
Mini Sandwiches
Trail Mix
GO TO OUR FACEBOOK FAN PAGE www.facebook.com/colorme31 and give us your study tips, tricks, ideas, snacks, etc!
Also, here’s a few websites that may help!
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