Friday, December 18, 2009


Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Check out a great friend of mine and an incredible artist "Barry Southgate" Add him to your myspace, facebook and follow him on twitter!! He was a finalist on Australian Idol and is now doing music i know you will LOVE... So be sure to check it out!

Here is a a song to keep you in Christmas Spirit by Barry himself!!


Friday, December 4, 2009


FINALS are just around the corner for most of us. Are you prepared? Mentally, physically and emotionally? Here’s some quick, practical tips for youor not for you! To Do and Not To Do.
To Do:

-Set goals for each study session and write them down.

-Drink plenty of water!

-Eat food and snacks that will give you energy. Sugar and junk foods will make you feel sluggish and not be able to focus. Don’t eat continuously. Just a small amount every hour or so. Take a few small breaks to walk around and keep your blood flowing.

-Study in sessions rather than an all-day or all-nighter.

-STUDY GUIDES! These really helped me. If my teacher gave them to us, it was a huge plus! I’d fill it in, and carry it with me EVERYWHERE I WENT! And I memorized every question! I have found that a lot of teachers don’t give study guides as you get older, so I MAKE MY OWN. I type up lists of questions and facts, print it out, and write my answers and comments in pencil. ---HUGE HELP!!!!! So, whether it be a teacher’s study guide or your own, bring it with you everywhere you go and look it over when you get a chance ::::::::::

In line, in the car, on the bus, on the train, while you’re getting ready, at lunch, etc etc….

-Take needed mental breaks.

-Have a small rewards system for yourself. EXAMPLE: “I can have 3 M & M’s for every 10 pages I read.” -----something of the sort-----

Not To Do:

-Facebooking, Googling, MySpacing, TEXTING, calling, watching TV….all distractions that should be avoided and HIDDEN :) in order for a GOOD study session.

If you don’t want to be distracted, don’t put it near you!

-Give up on/Change your pre-written goals! Follow through with your initial plan. Procrastination shouldn’t be an option.

For you - or - not for you:

-Some people can listen to music while they study. I used to be one of those people – it used to help me concentrate. Now, I can’t! I get so consumed with the lyrics or the instruments that I just can’t focus on my work. So music is a no for me.

If music helps you study, go for it! Classical and instrumental are best – the lyrics can be too distracting.

-Study in groups. Does this help you stay motivated? Do you need a study group or friend to keep you accountable?

::::::STUDY SNACKS::::::
Apples & Peanut Butter (add cinnamon if you’d like!)
Carrots and dip
Celery, Raisins and Peanut Butter
Mini Sandwiches
Trail Mix

GO TO OUR FACEBOOK FAN PAGE and give us your study tips, tricks, ideas, snacks, etc!

Also, here’s a few websites that may help!