Monday, August 24, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The “You” in Skin Care

With all of the latest discoveries in skin care and the hundreds of products screaming at you from the shelves of every store, you may have yourself wondering what’s best for my skin. What’s right for my skin type? Here are some tips that will definitely have you looking and feeling better about your skin and the choices you are making for yourself.

The number one ingredient that we all can use to help our skin no matter your age or skin type is drinking plenty of water. Drinking pure water is essential to the health of the skin and body because it sustains the health of the cells and aids in the elimination of toxins and waste.

Here are the basics in skin care:

· Cleanse

· Tone (not as important and can be skipped)

· Moisturize

· Exfoliate lightly once a week

· Mask once a week.

It is important that you learn your skin type in order to be using the right products on your skin. Teens are spending way too much money on products that aren’t right for their skin. These products end up sitting on a shelf in your home with the other hundreds of dollars you have wasted on trying to find something that works for you.

Don’t buy something just because it is on a commercial and the person advertising it looks GREAT! That’s not always the truth. It would be beneficial for you to find an Esthetician to help you. Estheticians are trained licensed professionals that will do a free skin analysis on you and tell you what your skin type is and recommend the products that will best suit your needs. An Esthetician will be your skin care manager and can detect the changes in your skin throughout the year and guide you to the treatment or product that will help bring balance and healing to your skin.

I say throughout the year because something that I must make you aware of is that there are many different types of skin as you most know. What you probably don’t know is that you have at least two different types. Didn’t you ever wonder why the moisturizer you use in the summer is not working in the winter? Or why the cleanser you use in the winter doesn’t have the same cleansing effect as in the summer? That is because your skin changes throughout the year and with the seasons. The skin is also known notoriously for changing because of a situation or a change in your body. Stress caused by fear, worry, or peer pressure can trigger a huge mess of problems with your skin from acne to dehydration, to wrinkles to dullness.

Let’s talk about the “YOU” in dealing with skin care. One main thing that will bring health and balance to your skin cannot be found in a product. It has to come from within YOU; I’m taking about believing in YOUrself and loving YOUrself no matter how you look or think you may look. I say that because usually we can have a distorted imagine of ourselves because we are comparing ourselves to a phony picture in a magazine or we are trying to be like someone that God never called us to be. YOU are YOU, God says fearfully and wonderfully made. He also said that before he formed YOU in the womb he knew YOU; He said he has a plan and a purpose for YOU, just for YOU, and the more you embrace that the more confidence you will gain and not only will YOU look fabulous, you’ll feel FABULOUS!!!!!!

check out Kimm's beautiful website