Monday, February 27, 2012

The Perfect Girl

That was my google search today. "The Perfect Girl." I was sitting here thinking, "man..I just wish I was this, and wish I was this..." I made a list of things I wished I was. After a while, I realized, I am more than half those things; I need to stop doubting myself and letting those thoughts get to me! And the other things on the list are completely attainable. Now, I don't know what the world wide web says the perfect girl is, nor do I want to know. But what I do know is, everyone is different, and you can't please everybody. You should live to please God and God alone. "Wait, is she saying I shouldn't please my parents or leaders or husband, etc?" ..Of course not. When you please God, you'll be pleasing the right people. Whoever you are and however you act, as long as it's pleasing to God, it should be acceptable to other people.

One thing I wished I was said about me: "She doesn't care what anyone else thinks." And you know what? I have mixed feelings about this statement. I, personally, almost always care about what other people will think. And half the time, it's bad. I shouldn't care what people think of the music I like. I shouldn't care what people think of my choice in shoes or dress. There are so many little things, that just do not matter. If they do care, they think too much! It's really none of their business. But half the time, I think it's acceptable to care what other people think - as long as you're not living in fear of how they'll react to you or how they perceive of you. You should care how people think you treat them. You should care how you look - in a "am I presentable, well-kept?" way. There's kind of a fine line. Everyone draws that line differently. Make sure your line isn't too far or too thick or thin.

Ah, ok.. another thing I said. I wish I was a good cook. THAT is attainable. And I knew that when I wrote it. There will always be things that will be a continual work in progress. You can always work on skills, you can always work on your attitude, your expandable vocabulary, your appearance, your knowledge of desired subjects..etc.

So, the things you wish you were.. are they attainable? Are they practical? If so, and if they'll please God and those who matter, then do work at them. Become that girl. The girl who's everything and more. Each of us is different. Each of us has a different calling in life. Each of us has different skill sets. Different ways of communicating. Be who you are. Let there be a balance in all things.. And stop worrying so much.

Oh! and let me not forget to tell you.. Be confident! That's HUGE. major. The way you carry yourself matters. It shows a lot. People will be confident in you if you're sure of yourself. So, just do it. Know you can and will be everything God has called you to be if you work at it, and then run with it! It's a process. So, proceed.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Ahhh... life. I've been thinking about life today, and doing some reading. I came across this blog where this girl said she googled: "what am I supposed to do with my life?" Well.. she came across a site that said they would tell here in just 20 minutes what her purpose in life is.

So, she started to do what it told her..long story short, it told her to grab a pen and paper or open up Microsoft Word or something of the like. Then it said to write at the top: "What is my true purpose in life?" Now, write down any answer that comes to your mind. "Keep writing until you write the answer that makes you cry" was the last step.

So, I decided to do it. I've got some pretty good ideas of what I'm supposed to be doing with my life, but why not try this out. I guess I oftentimes wonder if I'm doing the right things, and heading in the right direction.

So, I opened up word. Titled the page, and began to type...

I liked most of what I wrote. Some of the things were things I would absolutely love to sing, write, be a rockstar. you know..dreams that can seem totally unreal, but as they say, "hey! a girl can dream, right?" Anyhow, my list began to get more serious (not on purpose). I started writing things like:

To be all the God has called me to be

To get people saved and follow Christ

To travel the world telling people about God – whether it be through song, music or writing lyrics or books or speech

To love everyone how God does, be an example and change the world

To fulfill everything God has in store for me

To be a wife and mother

To be the best sister and daughter I can be

To be an example to everyone

To help young girls

To love God so much that when people see me they see Christ in me ---that was one of my favorites. Combine that with a couple others and you have:

To love everyone how God does, be an example and change the world. To love God so much that when people see me they see Christ in me. To help and serve others.

So, it doesn't matter if I have huge dreams that seem unreachable. What matters is, I want to fulfill all the things God wants me to do. And hey, if he wants me to write songs for other people and stories that will go across the world and change people's lives, show God's love and bring people to know Christ, then so be it. I'd be delighted to...

God has a plan and purpose for your life. --read that slowly 3 more times. -- I know you may have heard that a million times. But have you really thought about it? Try writing down what you think your purpose in life is.

Read it over. See what you really want. It puts things into perspective.

That's all for now :) Send any stories, questions or comments to :)

